Prunes from southern Mendoza


Prunes from

Southern Mendoza

CIREXA | Associated Producers

CIREXA SA is a company founded by growers, it is located in the southern valley of the Atuel river, General Alvear, Mendoza, Argentina. Its privileged geographical location, a climate suitable for cultivation and good agricultural practices, allow it to produce D’Agen plums in a completely natural way, reaching high standards demanded by the most demanding markets.

Our orchards are irrigated by the waters of the Atuel River, coming from the melting of the Andes Mountains. The intense cold of winter, hot and dry summers, optimal humidity conditions and a fertile soil, facilitate the elaboration of a noble, natural and healthy product, with nutritional and anti-cancer properties: a natural source of health.

The plantations of our producers have anti-hail fabric, drip irrigation, frost protection by micro-sprinkling, mechanical harvesting, among other cutting-edge technologies, which gives us the possibility of maximizing production and reaching the necessary quality standards.

"Our goal is to provide consumers
healthy and natural products ”.


Being a leading company and referring to regional level in the export of dried fruits.


Market dried fruits for the national and international market. Counting on the ability to answer to the demands of himself, through the establishment of quality standards.


Commit to the development of the region, providing tools for sustainable development. Being responsible with the care and preservation of the environment.

Products with high
quality standards
Prunes from Southern Mendoza
+54 2625 426205 |